Beam Ships in the Current Century (2024)

May 29, 2020 Guides | 195

Hi everyone,

today we would like to discuss beam ships and how to build them. This guide should show you the general way of building it for different ships and layouts and what is important. We hope it would help you to identify the best choice for yourself 🙂


Beam Ships in the Current Century (1)

Unlocks: all CrtH, Battery Expertise, Max Hull, Threat Control and full Focused Frenzy. Insted of Shield Hardness and Regeneration you can also use Improved Impulse Expertise and Defensive Subsystem Tuning.


Intelligence primary, Strategist secondary



  • Tac Slots: Rare or very rare male tacticals with Superior Romulan Operative (Fleet Embassy – Recruitment Tier 2, required) if your ship can cloak, Watcher Companions otherwise.
  • Eng Slots: Also Romulans w/ Superior Romulan Operative (Fleet Embassy), Watcher Companions or (a bit worse) Jem’hadar Vanguard (Big Vanguard Pack) or Nausicaan (Diplomatic Commendation Rank 4 or Exchange for KDF) and Kentari (Fleet Colony -Tier 5 Morale, if you have 2 Eng slots)
  • Sci Slots: Again Romulans w/ Superior Romulan Operative (Fleet Embassy), Watcher CompanionsJem’hadar Vanguard (Big vanguard pack) or Hierarchy Boff (Episode “Alliances”) and Kentari (Fleet Colony, if you have 2 Sci slots)


  • 4-5x Boffs with Superior Romulan Operative (Exchange rare/very rare usually cheap, if you own the Delta Operations Pack, use the Eng Boff from that Pack)
  • 1x Reman with Superior Infiltrator (Only when you’re flying a ship with Battle Cloak, if you own the Delta Operations Pack, use the Tac Boff from that Pack)
  • Kentari (Fleet Colony, if you have one already otherwise not really needed)

Tactical Boff Abilities:

  • Fire at Will (you want ALWAYS the highest rank possible on your ship. Highest priority for your ship if you want to use FAW for an AoE or tank build)
  • Beam Overload (you want ALWAYS the highest rank possible on your ship. Highest priority for your ship if you want to use BO for a single target build)
  • Attack Pattern Beta (I or III depends on ship layout, required)
  • Kemocite Laced Weaponry (I or II, depends on ship layout, required)
  • Torpedo Spread (Usually used as a trigger ability for competitive engines and Inspirational Leader, choose the highest version possible, when using a torpedo for a Polaron or Plasma Build)
  • Tactical Team (I, defensive cooldown with small damage boost, can help a lot to survive. Only unslot it if you know what you’re doing)
  • Beam Overload (I, usually used as a trigger ability for the competitive engines and Inspirational Leader)
  • Distributed Targeting (If you have nothing better to slot)
  • Best Served Cold (If you have nothing better to slot)
  • Cannon Scatter Volley or Cannon Rapid Fire (As a trigger ability for colony consoles)
  • Attack Pattern Delta (I or III, depends on the ship layout. Strongly recommended for tanks)

Engineering Boff Abilities:

  • Emergency Power to Weapons (required, usually the highest version possible slotted)
  • Emergency Power to Engines I (required, usually as Ensign ability)
  • Auxiliary to Battery I (For cooldown reduction management with boffs, usually the lowest possible)
  • Directed Energy Modulation (The rank you have room for, lower priority than Emergency Power to Weapons)
  • Reverse Shield Polarity (If you have problems with surviving, can replace Directed Energy Modulation)
  • Engineering Team (Heal, normally a filler ability if you have room for it as Ensign ability)

Science Boff Abilities:

  • Hazard Emitter I (Heal and cleanse, normally used as ensign ability)
  • Science Team I (Shield Heal and cleanse, normally used as ensign ability)
  • Photonic Officer (For Cooldown Management, in case you don’t want to use Aux2Bat)
  • Subspace Vortex (Additional EPG AoE Damage, for high-end runs or if you have nothing better to slot)
  • Very Cold in Space (additional EPG Aoe Damage, for high-end runs or if you have nothing better to slot)
  • Tractor Beam (trigger ability for Unconventional Systems personal trait, highly situational choice)

Specialist Boff Abilities:

  • Narrow Sensor Bands (Miracle Worker – Highest rank possible, usually III)
  • Mixed Armaments Synergies (Miracle Worker – Rank I or III depending on the ship and if it does not interfere with your Fire mode for example)
  • Override Subsystem Safeties (Intel – Preferably the highest version if it does not interfere with other abilities with higher priority like fire modes)
  • Recursive Shearing (Temporal Operative – Rank I or III depending on the ship, lower priority than fire mode)
  • Pilot Team (Pilot – if you have nothing better to slot)
  • Intel Team (Intel – if you have nothing better to slot)

Example Layouts:
These are here to give you an idea of how a Bridge Officer layout could look like. Some examples for Beam Overload, some for Fire at Will.

Beam Ships in the Current Century (2)

Beam Ships in the Current Century (3)

Beam Ships in the Current Century (4)

Beam Ships in the Current Century (5)

Beam Ships in the Current Century (6)


  • 3x Technician: Auxiliary to Battery CD Reduction (required for A2B builds, discount, can be obtained via B’tran Cluster chain for free or via commendation ranks store)
  • Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTH (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
  • Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTD (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
  • Emergency Conn Hologram: CD Reduction for Evasive Maneuvers (Phoenix store, just get one!) and/or
  • Shield Distribution Officer (Agent Nerul): Attack Pattern Beta restores hull when firing (Delta operations pack, 12k zen pack. just use him when you have him) and/or
  • Space Warfare Specialist: When activating Eng or Tac Boff Abilities, 20% Chance to get 10% of your outgoing damage as heal for the next 10 hits (if you don’t own Agent Nerul)
  • Fabrication Engineer: Increase Duration of Reverse Shield Polarity (Only useful when using Reverse Shield Polarity!)
  • Elder Malik’itan (Warfare Master, Gamma Recruit, ground slot): Increase damage vs All (if you have him, slot him!)
  • Neal Falconer (Ground Warfare Specialist, Phoenix store, ground slot): Increase damage vs Borg (just get one, it’s not a mistake 😉 )
  • Assimilated DOFFs like 20/22/25/27 of 47

Personal Space Traits
Here’s a list with some useful traits. Which one you use depends a bit on the mission.


  • Fleet Coordinator (Free)
  • Superior Beam/Cannon Training – Basis version for free, superior version obtainable at K-13
  • Intelligence Agent AttachĂ© (exchange or Lockbox)
  • Inspirational Leader (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Duelist’s Favor (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – more interesting for cannon builds
  • Into the Breach (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Point Blank Shot (Episode: House Pegh)
  • Terran Targeting Systems (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Context is for Kings (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Adaptive Offense (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox)
  • Fragment of AI Tech (Exchange orAngel’s Wake Lock Box) – add 2 skillpoints to Control Expertise (move from Shield Hardness & Regeneration)

Recommended race/profession-specific

  • A good day to die (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Great for Tacs
  • EPS Overload (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Kind of must-have for Engs
  • EPS Manifold Efficiency (free) – Very useful for Engs
  • Photonic Reinforcement (exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Great for Sci Captains
  • Romulan Operative (free) – Only for Romulans
  • Infiltrator – mandatory for Remans on Warbirds

Other helpful traits

  • Fluidic Cocoon (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Only if you get hit by torpedos
  • Give Your All (Lvl 15 Engineering R&D School) – For fluffy captains
  • Repair Crews (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – Another anti-fluffy trait
  • Unconventional Tactics (Exchange or Infinity Lockbox) – CD reduction for universal consoles, highly situational

Space Reputation Traits

  • Advanced Targeting Systems (Dyson T2): +16% CrtD on Rank I or +20% CrtD on Rank II
  • Precision (Romulan T2): +4% CrtH (I) or +5% CrtH (II)
  • Tyler’s Duality (Discovery T4): +CrtH depending on your hull capacity
  • Energy Refrequencer (Iconian T2): more heals, awesome and I would highly suggest using this one.
  • Controlled Countermeasures (Temporal T4): +addtional DMG against controlled targets => Only for A2B Builds
  • Tactical Advantage (Dyson T2): More Armor Pen
  • Magnified Firepower (Gamma T4): +5% DMG (I) or +6,3% DMG (II)
  • Enhanced Armor Penetration (Delta T2): +5 Armor Pen (I) or + 6.3 Armor Pen (II)

Starship Traits
Strongly recommended

  • Emergency Weapon Cycle – (Arbiter/Morrigu(cross-faction)/Kurak)
  • Entwined Tactical Matrices (for Fire at Will and/or Torps) – (Gagarin / Qugh)
  • Redirecting Arrays (for Fire at Will) – (Tucker/Tebok(cross-faction)/Klothos)
  • Superweapon Ingenuity (for Beam Overload) – (Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser – Lobi)

and then choose 4 of them:

  • Weapon Emitter Overdrive (Vaadwaur Juggernaut – Promo)
  • Calm Before the Storm (Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser)
  • Terran Goodbye (Mirror Warship – Infinity)
  • Cold-Hearted – Must have for A2B (Breen Plesh Tral Heavy Raider Winter 2017/18)
  • Superior Area Denial – If you don’t have A2B or the raider or as an addition (Mirror Universe Engle-class Strike Wing Escort/Infinity Pack: Starship Trait)
  • Vaulting Ambition (Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser)
  • Strike from Shadows (Shran Escort)
  • Super Charged Weapons – if you’re using a torpedo this has high priority (Kopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird, cross-faction or one of the other Tactical Flagships)
  • Promise of Ferocity (Thozyn/Vandros/Xechas)
  • Improved Critical Systems (AoY Event)
  • History Will Remember (Support Cruiser T6)
  • Improved Unconventional Tactics (Strategist Spec, Discount version if you don’t have anything else to use)
  • Superior Command Frequency (Command Spec, Discount version if you don’t have anything else to use)


And finally all the gear choices you can make. Choose the stuff you have or you could effort 🙂


  • Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array [EPS] [ColCrit] [DrainX]x2 – (Fleet Colony Holding, Re-Eng DrainX to something more valuable like HullCap, low priority)


  • Prevailing Innervated Impulse Engines (Competitive Reputation) OR
  • Combat Impulse Engines [Spd]x4 (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD)

Warp Core / Singularity Core:

  • Mycelial Harmonic Matter-Antimatter Core (Discovery Reputation) OR
  • Mycelial Harmonic Singularity Core (Discovery Reputation) OR
  • Elite Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Core [AMP] [ECap] [Eff] [SSS] [W->A] (Fleet Spire – Research Tier 3) OR
  • Elite Fleet Thoron-Infused Singularity Core [AMP] [Res or OLoad] (Fleet Spire – Research Tier 3) OR
  • Deuterium-Stabilized Warp Core [Bat] [W->A or E] (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD) OR
  • Thoron-Infused Singularity Core (Discount Version, Crafted via RnD)


  • Tilly’s Review-Pending Modified Shield (Discovery Reputation) OR
  • Hyper Capacitor Shield Array [Cap]x5 (Crafted Via RnD, as much cap as possible, min. 3) OR
  • Prevailing Innervated Resilient Shield Array (Competitive Reputation) OR
  • Regenerative Crystal Shield Matrix (Discount Version, Episode “Para Pacem”)


And here we have the different weapon types you might want to use. Choose the one you prefer 🙂
All weapons should have [CrtD] or [Dmg] and [Crtd/Dm] mods. For Beam Overload Builds you should go with Dual Beam Banks, for Fire at Will Beam Arrays. In case you’re on a Miracle Worker ship you might consider using one turret as one of your aft weapons, to make use of the damage bonus granted by Mixed Armaments Synergy.



  • Phaser Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank (Discovery Reputation)
  • Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo (Discovery Reputation, if you would like to use a Torpedo)
  • Terran Task Force Beam Array (Terran Reputation T6)
  • Prolonged Engagement Beam Array (Phoenix Store)
  • Advanced Phaser Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
  • Targeting-Linked Phaser Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Targeting-Linked Phaser Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Sensor-Linked Phaser Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Sensor-Linked Phaser Dual Beam Banks (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Phaser Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Phaser Dual Beam Bank [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Quantum Beam Array (Discount, Episode “Sunrise”)


  • Trilithium Omni Beam (Episode Reward “Beyond the Nexus”) OR
  • Trilithium Turret (Episode Reward “Beyond the Nexus”, use on a Miracle Worker Ship for Mixed Armaments Synergy)
  • Gamma Reputation Turret or Omnibeam (Gamma Reputation)
  • Advanced Phaser Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
  • Sensor-Linked Phaser Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Targeting-Linked Phaser Beam (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)



  • Disruptor Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank (Discovery Reputation)
  • Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo (Discovery Reputation, if you would like to use a Torpedo)
  • Terran Task Force Beam Array (Terran Reputation)
  • Experimental Romulan Disruptor Beam Array (Romulan Reputation T6)
  • Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Array (Dilithium Store, Cardassian Ship required to claim. Choose the Cardassian Flight Deck Carrier if you buy one)
  • Spiral Wave Disruptor Dual Beam Bank (Dilithium Store, Cardassian Ship required to claim. Choose the Cardassian Flight Deck Carrier if you buy one)
  • Advanced Disruptor Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
  • Targeting-Linked Disruptor Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Targeting-Linked Disruptor Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Sensor-Linked Disruptor Beam Array(Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Sensor-Linked DisruptorDual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Disruptor Dual Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Disruptor Dual Beam Bank [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)


  • Martok Omni Beam (Discount, Episode “Brushfire”, use on a Miracle Worker Ship)
  • Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Array (Dilithium Store, Cardassian Ship required to claim. Choose the Cardassian Flight Deck Carrier if you buy one)
  • Advanced Disruptor Beam Array (Discovery Constitution or Legendary Dsc Constitution)
  • Targeting-Linked Disruptor Omni Beam (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Targeting-Linked Disruptor Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Disruptor Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)



  • Advanced Piezo-Plasma Beam Array (Lukari Reputation)
  • Altamid Modified Kelvin Torpedo (Lobi Store)
  • Altamid or ViridianPlasma Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
  • Altamid or Viridian Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
  • Assimilated Plasma Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
  • Assimilated Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox / Exchange) OR
  • Plasma Beam Array [Pen] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array (Romulan Reputation)


  • Altamid Modified Plasma Omni (Lobi Store)
  • ViridianOmni(Lockbox / Exchange)
  • Altamid or Viridian Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange)
  • Assimilated Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange)
  • PlasmaBeam Array [PEN] (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)



  • Advanced Piezo-Polaron Beam Array (Lukari Reputation)
  • Morphogenic Polaron Energy Torpedo Launcher (Episode “Home”)
  • Dominion Beam Array (Discount and Best in Slot, Old Episode Reward via Available, Lost Dominion Arc, “Boldly They Rode”)
  • Vaadwaur Polaron Beam Array (Lockbox / Exchange)
  • Vaadwaur PolaronDual Beam Bank (Lockbox / Exchange)
  • Polaron Beam Array [Pen]
  • PolaronDual Beam Bank [Pen]


  • Morphogenic Polaron Energy Weapon (Episode “Home”, required)
  • Advanced Inhibiting Polaron Heavy Turret (Gamma Reputation, useful for Miracle Worker ships)
  • Polaron Beam Array [Pen]
  • Kinetic Cutting Beam (Omega Reputation, in Combination with the Assimilated Module Console for Beam Overload Builds)



  • Ba’ul Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Ba’ul Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Ba’ul Linked Sentry Anti-Proton Kinetic Torpedo (Lobistore)
  • Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo (Discovery Reputation T1)
  • Advanced Thoron Infused Antiproton Beam Array (Delta Reputation T6)
  • Advanced Radiant Antiproton Beam Array (Iconian Reputation T4)
  • Advanced Temporal Defence Chroniton Beam Array (Temporal Reputation T4)
  • Antiproton Beam Array (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Voth Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Voth Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox(Exchange)
  • Herald Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Herald Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Delphic Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Delphic Antiproton Dual Beam Bank (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Dual Overcharged Delphic Antiproton Beam Bank (Lobistore)
  • Chroniton Dual Beam Bank (Lobistore)
  • Crystalline Energy Torpedo Launcher (Phoenix Store)


  • Omni-Directional Ba’ul Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Ba’ul Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Ba’ul Linked Sentry Anti-Proton Omni (Lobistore)
  • Ba’ul Linked Sentry Anti-Proton Kinetic Torpedo (Lobistore)
  • Antiproton Beam Array (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array (Discount, Crafted via RnD)
  • Ancient Omni-Directional Antiprtonon Beam Array (Episode: Sphere of Influence)
  • Voth Antiproton Beam Array /Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Omni-Directional Voth Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Voth Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Herald Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Herald Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Delphic Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Omni-Directional Delphic Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Delphic Antiproton Turret (Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Ba’ul Antiproton Beam Array (Lockbox/Exchange)


As for the Consoles, all tactical slots are reserved for the listed consoles. The Engineering and Science slots are usually filled by Universal Consoles from our list or with Eng/Sci-Consoles to complete Sets.

Tactical Consoles:

  • Lorca’s Custom Fire Controls (Discovery Reputation)
  • Morphogenic Console (Episode “Home”, required for polaron builds)
  • Vulnerability Locator [your damage type] (for the rest of the slots, Fleet Spire Holding) OR
  • Vulnerability Exploiter [your damage type] as an addition if your CrtH stat for weapons in combat is well above 80%
  • Energetic Protomatter Matrix Infuser [your damage type][Kinetic] (In case you need more survivability, Fleet Colony Holding)
  • Chronometric Capacitor (Discount, Polaron, Episode “Time and Tide”, not great, only use if you cannot afford more Locators or Protomatter consoles)
  • Weapon Type Specific Console Mk XI or XII (Placeholder ONLY!! Use them until you can afford Locator and/or Protomatter consoles. DO NOT!!! upgrade, keep them at rare/very rare Mk XI/XII as a placeholder. REPEAT: DO NOT WASTE RESOURCES ON UPGRADING THEM!!)

Universal Consoles:

  • Dynamic Power Redistributor (Fed-Fed/Jem: Atlas Class Prototype Dreadnought, KDF/KDF-Jem/ROM: Console Choice Pack, Lockbox/Exchange)
  • D.O.M.I.N.O. (Bajoran Interceptor)
  • Bioneural Infusion Circuit (Lobi Store)
  • Altamid Modified Swarm Processor (Lobi Store)
  • M6 Tactical Computer (Temporal Escort – Perseus Class T3)
  • Approaching Agony (Phaser Build, Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Weaponized Helical Torsion (Phaser Build, Legendary Discovery or Mirror Discovery)
  • Ordnance Accelerator (Phaser and Polaron Builds, Gamma Reputation)
  • Piezo-Electric Focuser (Polaron and Plasma Builds, Lukari Reputation)
  • Assimilated Module (Omega Reputation, Discount)
  • Zero Point Module (Romulan Reputation, Discount)
  • Tachyokinetic Converter (Lobi Store)
  • Point Defense Bombardement Warhead (NX Ship, Lobi-Store or Legendary Version)
  • Hull Image Refractor (for survivability, Lockbox / Exchange)
  • Reiterative Structural Capacitor (Phoenix Store)
  • Regenerative Integrity Field (for survivability, Samsar Cruiser, Epic Phoenix Token)
  • Protomatter Field Projector (for survivability, Lukari Science Ship, Epic Phoenix Token)
  • Aligned Antiproton Shielding (Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser)
  • Temporal Anomaly Projector (AP Build, Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Polymorphic Probe Array (AP Build, Lockbox/Exchange)
  • Ba’ul Linked Sentry Coordination Matrix (AP Build, Lobi-Store)

Engineering Consoles:

  • Reinforced Armaments (Phaser Builds, Episode “Beyond the Nexus”)
  • House Martok Defensive Configuration (Disruptor Build, Discount version, Episode “Brushfire”)
  • Bellum EPS Flow Regulator (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, only use these if you don’t have anything else, but choose these if you have the choice)
  • Bellum RCS Accelerator (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, only those use if you don’t have anything else)

Science Consoles:

  • Temporal Disentanglement Suite (Discount Version, Episode: “Butterfly”, for non-Aux2Bat Builds)
  • Nausicaan Siphon Capacitor (Disruptor Builds, Discount Version, Episode “Echoes of Light”)
  • Quantum Phase Converter (Phaser Builds, Discount Version, Episode “Sunrise”)
  • Bellum Field Generator (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, use only if nothing better is available)
  • Bellum Nanite-Reinforced Circuitry (Discount, free from boxes while leveling up Discovery reputation, use only if nothing better is available)

Example Layouts


Beam Ships in the Current Century (8)


Beam Ships in the Current Century (9)


Beam Ships in the Current Century (10)


Beam Ships in the Current Century (11)

Beam Overload Example :

Antiproton Beams:Ba’ul beams work extremely well with Kemocite, so it’s highly recommended to use the Boff Layout with Kemo III listed above.

Beam Ships in the Current Century (13)

The layouts can be used for any faction and profession and any ship able to use beams.

Feel free to comment below or ask us directly via discord or in-game.

Beam Ships in the Current Century (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.